Juliet Omana Kura Gallery Maori Art Design New Zealand Aotearoa Painting Exhibition Matariki

Ko Maunga a Kahia te Maunga (mountain)
Ko Waihakeke te Awa (river)
Ko Kurahaupo, Ko Horouta, Ko Takitimu nga waka (canoe)
Ko Rongomaiwahine, Ko Rongowhaakata, Ko Kahungunu oku iwi (tribe)
Ko Ngaitu te hapu (sub-tribe)
Ko Kaiuku te Marae (meeting house)
Ko Te Mahia te Rohe (region/area)

Born 1950, Juliet is a painter of Maori and Pakeha heritage. She began her career as a visual artist in the early 1990 ‘s while studying visual arts at Massey University. She lives in Hawke’s Bay where she currently works from her studio surrounded by farmland at the foothills of the Ruahine Ranges.

The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity  – Alberto Giacometti

The Nga Whakapapa o Mataariki series is about the celebration of Mataariki – the Maori New Year according to the Maori lunar calendar.

Francis Bacon said the role of the artist is always to deepen the mystery. I have attempted to awaken what lies beneath our reality and conception.

I try to capture what lies beyond the realm of metaphysics, abstract concepts of being, identity, time and space. If we sustain that wonder and explore it, sometimes it’s not what is in the artwork but what’s left out which makes it stimulating.  Like others, I believe that communication is the most important part of creating artwork. Art must communicate.

I derive my subject from the heart, drawing on my imagination and feelings.

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